Thursday, February 7, 2013

Welcome back to 2013

My goal this year for reading is to read as fast as I talk.
My goal this year for maths is to learn all my times tables from 1 to 10.
My goal this year for writing is to put my b&d the right way around.


  1. To Kayley,
    Well done on making your first post on your new blog. You have set yourself some great goals and your maths one is a big goal so I hope we can achieve that together by the end of the year. Maybe you might want to think about breaking that into smaller goals... You might want to comment back to me and tell me what times tables you want to master in Term 1 then what ones you want to master in Term 2 and then Term 3 and Term 4. This might help break up this big goal to help make it more achievable.
    Let me know what you think.
    From Mrs Head

  2. To Kayley

    I am looking ford to you being A year 4 next year

    and your blog is awesome kayley

    From Ella

  3. You go girl! Mum will try and help where she can. I remember learning my times tables at school, chanting them with the class while the teacher banged her big long ruler on our desks if we weren't doing it right! I'm sure Mrs Head will be much nicer!!!
